If you previously filed bankruptcy, and need to file again, how long do you have to wait? Well, the answer depends on what your old case was and what your new case will be because the rules are different in each scenario. Old Chapter 7 to New Chapter 7, Must wait 8 years - This is based on the date of filing Old Chapter 13 to New Chapter 7, Must wait 6 years - This is based on date of filing - Unless 100% of the allowed unsecured claims are paid, or 70% and the plan was proposed in good faith and was debtor's best effort. Old Chapter 7 to New Chapter 13, Must wait 4 years to receive discharge- This is based on the date of discharge. Old Chapter 13 to New Chapter 13, Must wait 2 years to receive discharge- This is based on the date of discharge.
For more information on how long to wait before filing a new bankruptcy case, please feel free to contact a Houston bankruptcy attorney from the Rashid Law Firm.