Millennials are filing more and more for bankruptcy every year. Even though millenials have a higher college graduation rate than their predecessors, graduating from college doesn't necessarily help you financially now a days. 88% of workers making only the minimum wage are 20 years old or more, and about 4 in 10 are college graduates or have a level of college education. Which means more and harder to pay student loan debt, credit cards, pay day loans, etc.
Most millennials, like many other person in the United States, live paycheck to paycheck without a savings account to fall back on. Debt keeps multiplying and stacking up without an end's meet. Bankruptcy becomes a relief to some people, not having to worry about spending your entire paycheck on paying off bill collectors and actually paying off the important things like your car and mortgage/ rent payment. Debt is becoming harder and harder to handle.
Bankruptcy is a possible option that should be seriously considered. You should speak with a bankruptcy lawyer. We offer free consultations, the meetings usually last only 30 minutes, but sometimes up to an hour. Bankruptcy is designed to provide a fresh financial start. We all want to be able to live a debt-free life.
For more information on bankruptcy in or around the Houston area, schedule a free meeting with a bankruptcy lawyer from the Rashid Law Firm by calling us at 832-209-8833 to schedule a free initial consultation.